Penélope estuvo esperando durante dos décadas a su marido, Odiseo, para que regresara a Ítaca de la guerra de Troya, no sabía si su marido estaba muerto o vivo. En éste doloroso tiempo su único alivio era llorar y suspirar todo el día. Mientras tanto se vio obligada a prometer a los canallas, que eran sus pretendientes, y que fueron al mismo tiempo, la selección de la nobleza de Ítaca, que se casaría con alguno de ellos cuando terminara un sudario.
Los pretendientes de Penélope:
Penélope y Odiseo estuvieron juntos alrededor de una década hasta que la guerra de Troya estalló y Odiseo la dejó. La guerra duró diez años y cuando se terminó no se sabía nada de él, un grupo de sinvergüenzas, conocidos como los pretendientes de Penélope, llegaron al palacio y querían carse con la reina.
El sudario de Laertes:
Penélope engañada durante varios años declaró que se casaría con uno de ellos una vez que hubiera terminado el sudario de Laertes y dijo ella:
"Cuando él sucumbe a la mano terrible de la muerte que se extiende a todos los hombres a fin no debe arriesgarse a que el escándalo no sería uno de mis compatriotas aquí si que había acumulado tanta riqueza se pusieron a descansar sin mortaja. "
Sin embargo Penélope no tenía ninguna intención de acabar su trabajo, y por lo tanto lo que tejía de día lo deshacía por la noche.
Penelope waited two decades for her husband Odysseus to return to Ithaca from the Trojan War, not knowing whether he was dead or alive. In this long and painful wait her sole relief was to weep and sigh all day long. In the meantime, she was compelled to promise the scoundrels that called themselves her suitors and who were at the same time the pick of the Ithacan nobility, that she would wed one of them when the roud was finished. She wove it for three years, weaving it by day and undoing it by night. But her trick was discovered and her life became even more difficult.
The suitors of Penélope:
Penelope and Odysseus had spent together about a decade when the Trojan war broke up and Odysseus left. The war itself lasted ten years, but when it was over and nothing was known of him, a group of scoundrels known as the suitors of Penélope came to the palace wishing to marry the queen.
Penelope fooled them several years, declaring that she would marry one of them once she had completed the shroud of Laertes and she said:
"When he succumbs to the dread hand of Death that stretches all men out at last, I must not risk the scandal there would be among my countrywomen here if one who had amassed such wealth were put to rest without a shroud."
However, Penelope had no intention of ever finishing her work, and so what she wove during the day, she unravelled by night
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